Rocklands Parish Council (RPC)

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held in Rocklands Village Hall

7.00pm on Monday 7th April 2014


Present :           David Howie                 Chair

Nicola Southgate         Vice Chair

                        Cath Jones

Shirley Colenutt

Kim Austin                    Clerk

Bill Smith                     District Councillor       


Also present: 4 members of the public.


1.   To consider accepting apologies for absence

RESOLVED To accept apologies from Cllrs. Roger Steel and David Witt who were both away.


2.   To record declarations of interest from members in any items on the agenda

There were no declarations of interest.  It was noted however that previous correspondence from Vicky Thomson of Breckland council had confirmed that the ‘shop/post office’ scenario would be appropriate for a dispensation on the grounds that ‘the number of persons prohibited would be so great a proportion as to impede the transaction of the business’.

 ACTION: Clerk to ensure dispensation is in place.


3.   To approve the minutes of the last council meeting on Monday 24th February 2014

RESOLVED to approve the minutes that had been circulated prior to the meeting, as a true and accurate record of the meeting.  The minutes were duly signed by the Chair, Cllr. David Howie.


4.   To discuss any matters arising from the minutes, not on the agenda

Brecklands Policy to build on council owned plots of land in villages: Cllr Bill Smith was thanked for obtaining confirmation of the parcels of land owned by Breckland Council in Rocklands.  There was a small parcel of land at the Mere. Cllr. Smith commented that as Breckland Council would have no commercial interest in this small piece of land that Rocklands could apply for it if they wanted it.  The Parish Council were not sure what they could use it for other than a seated area. The land at Wayland Road would be the most likely to be built on if at all.


5.   To adjourn the meeting for public participation

Meeting adjourned at 7.22pm.

There were no comments from the public.

The meeting re-opened at 7.23pm.


6.      To report on Finance


6.1       Financial position 

The bank account balances as at Monday 7th April 2014

Barclays Community Account                                                                £    3843.96 

Barclays Saver (Reserve) Account                                                         £       701.92


TOTAL as per bank                                                                                £ 4,545.88



6.2       Money in since last meeting

7/4/14             Consolidated Stock                                                      £           0.28

7/4/14             Brekland Council – Precept                                           £     2567.95


                                                                                    TOTAL IN     £   2568.23                                               

6.3       Cheques out (to sign)

Norfolk Association of Local Councils – Ann Membership                     £        138.22


                                                                                    TOTAL OUT   £     138.22 

6.5    Standing Orders

Kim Austin                    Clerk’s wages                                      

Pearce and Kemp          Street lighting                                    

e.On                             Electricity       


NALC Annual Membership.

RESOLVED To renew NALC annual membership at £138.22 (£141.01 last year.)


Barclays Bank – Mandate change – name and signatories

Still trying to facilitate Clerk’s change of name and removal of Peter Smith as signatory, leaving current signatories as Roger Steel and Nickie Southgate. Now need more forms completed by Cllr Howie as he is chair.

ACTION David Howie to complete personal details forms and proof of ID.


Sport England – Deed of Dedication.

Deed of dedication now completed, signed by councillors and returned our solicitors. However update from solicitors this week confirms that Fields in Trust is holding up proceedings but not sure why? To do with them already having a deed of dedication on the same piece of land.


Mazars -  External auditors

Paperwork has arrived for Annual Return and Mazars end of year External Audit. Due July 2014.


Pearce & Kemp.

Still need to change SO to DD. Difficult to get through to their accounts office.


7       To consider planning applications.

7.1    Planning outcomes since last meeting

3PL/2014/0078            ROCKLANDS PO/SHOP Refurb/shop front/new door (44) PERMISSION


7.2    Planning applications pending outcome

3PL/2012/0654/CU Breckland Storage/Swangey/Retail caravans  - (15)

It was noted that this has been pending since 2012. It was commented that although some of the business had apparently moved to Snetterton, there were still storage facilities at Swangey and caravans travelling up and down Swangey Lane.

3PL/2014/0210/F        HOLLAMBY 43 The Street/Side Extension & Garage Roof (45)


7.3    New planning applications since last meeting

3PL/2014/0281            CHAPMAN/The Old Rectory/2 storey ext, pool and staff accom (46)

Lots of development but well away from anything else. Nearest house is Rose Cottage.

RESOLVED NO OBJECTION Pending Cllr Southgate visiting Rose Cottage to check.

ACTION Cllr. Southgate to visit people living at Rose Cottage (Deadline 23/4/14)



3PL/2014/0281            SOUTHGATE/Rocklands Pk Fm/Agri Manager House (47)

RESOLVED NO OBJECTION to this planning application .

7.4    New planning applications since agenda issued

None since agenda was issued.


A member of the public was allowed to speak regards a previous application for the building of cowsheds by Bidmead at Tuppins Farm. This application was previously objected to by the Parish Council, their comments were overridden and the application was passed. Recently a tall hedge has been cut down by Bidmead to expose the extent of the steel building erected on the other side, previously hidden from view.  This is now causing some distress to the neighbours.

ACTION Cllr. Howie to make some enquiries.


8       WW1 commemorative events

Cllr. Jones confirmed that churches were having services around the benefice but she hadn’t found out if the schools were doing anything.  Breckland Council are giving grants, as confirmed at the last meeting and will close when funds are exhausted.

Cllr. Bill Smith gave the photographs of ‘days gone by’ in Rocklands that he had promised to give and was thanked by the parish council. Roger and Sue Steel should look at the photographs.

ACTION: Ian Scholes to ask for ideas for events on Rocklands website.

ACTION: Ian Scholes to put photographs on website.


9       To update on White Hart and Rocklands Village Shop

White Hart. The White Hart was open but very part time.

Village Shop and Post Office (CJ). The shop was open, was hard work but was going well. The number of volunteers was increasing every week.  The financial end of year had been successfully changed. Vat registration was being sorted. The cafe was very popular. Doing well with Hingham Bakery as a supplier. Problems with BT and the lottery.


10     To receive update from Tree warden. (Richard Smedley)

Richard Smedley was very poorly.


11     To update on Playing Fields. (DH)

Cllr. Howie reported that there were still little things to do as well as some fencing. Cllr. Howie said he would like to see the playing fields used more. 


12  To receive update on Highways

Salt Bin.  Had eventually been filled !! After the initial request was made in September 2013 !

Streetlights. All lights seemed to be working at the moment. Grants are available but not sure if Parish Council want to go down the route of a full replacement at great expense.

Trod. The layout is OK and does make it safer for crossing but the ‘lumps’ are too big. It is not good and does not seem to be good value for money. Breckland Council are coming back to have a look at it.  

Footpath across field. A footpath has been ploughed up by mistake. Cllr. Southgate has phoned the Howletts to let them know.  Cllr. Jones has replied to a lady called Glynis that brought it to the attention of the Parish Council. Parish Councillors will find out what has happened and what can be done.


13     To update on flooding

Cllr Bill Smith had been helping to sort the ongoing problem of a blocked/silted drain in Bell Road, and had sent a further email today about the same problem to Norfolk County Council again.



14     To discuss and correspondence

Cllr. Howie had been contacted by a resident who wanted to know if 45 The Street (1st of the new houses) had been affected by flooding in the past. Cllr. Howie has replied direct to say there have been problems in the past but things have improved.


The Clerk had been contacted by a person hoping to move into Rocklands who was concerned about the quality of Broadband in the area.  The Clerk put him in touch with Richard in the village who knows about these things.  Richard has since confirmed that he will be moving to Rocklands and that they will meet-up then and campaign for fast rural broadband for Rocklands!


15     AOB (Agenda items for next meeting)


16  Date of next Meeting - Monday 12th May 2014, 7pm, Rocklands Village Hall.

(AGM - Annual Parish Council Meeting)


The meeting closed at 8.07 pm.